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my galleries Weather Movies: timelapse movies of the changing weather in Neuchatel Narcissism
MGR (Mary-Go-Round) Commonplaces
an excerpt from Ways of Seeing by John Berger. an excerpt from The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul. The ROZZ-TOX Manifesto by Gary Panter.
Societe Auguste Fivaz , the old web site. Gravure a l'Ascension 2008 Jardin Extraordinaire & Sonarium
Swiss fireworks shops ca. 2008 Web People Two antique posters circa 1900 from Neuchatel Switzerland, help us find out more ...
Small Features - old movies Major Features - larger movies KML of the boundry of the Great Fire, San Francisco, 1906
Video Tape Loom L Arc Noir

A new, improved,beta version of VOTE1040 is online and ready to let you vote with your TAX dollars!