WARNING: The following pages contain exotic floral subject matter. Those offended by exotic floral subject matter are advised to seek professional help before viewing.

The 2008 edition of Les Jardins Extraordinaires & Sonorium was great. Yes, that is broken glass, yes, they are made of recycled plastic bags, yes, the turbines are automotive axels with rebar, yes, it is all wrapped in red jute, and YES they did a fantastic job.  The visit is accompanied by some surreal music which adds to the overall effect. We have not yet been there at night, but when we do, we will add those photos if we can. Our friends were doing full moon Tai Chi at the site and said the effects were wonderful at night.

The slides are seven seconds apart and finish with a brief visit to an exibition of ceramics by Francois Schneider in one of the many greenhouses on the property. Note the effect he obtained flooding the exhibit space with clay slurry.

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