PURISSIMA, San Mateo County 17 January 1862

PURISSIMA, Jan. 10th.–The flood has been most disastrous on this creek, especially to N. C. Lane. About two or three acres of ground slid into the creek above the saw mill, overwhelming the barn, and killing instantly two valuable horses and four oxen. It then struck the Snelling House, completely demolishing it. Lane had just … [Read more…]

The Afro-American Council – 1906

Sacramento Union, 1 November 1906 COLORED MEN FOR GILLETT The Afro-American Council is Reorganizing in All the Towns in the Upper Sacra- mento Valley.   MARYSVILLE, Oct. 31st.—Saturday evening the colored residents of this locality will hold a mass meeting in the colored Odd Fellows’ hall on C street for the purpose of reorganizing the … [Read more…]

George Monbiot on Indonesian Fires, Guardian, 30th October 2015

… Governments ignore issues when the media ignores them. And the media ignores them because … well, there’s a question with a thousand answers, many of which involve power. But one reason is the complete failure of perspective in a de-skilled industry dominated by corporate press releases, photo ops and fashion shoots, where everyone seems … [Read more…]

RIGHT OR WRONG? Sacramento Daily Union 04 September 1874

RIGHT OR WRONG? Senator Schurz is credited with the remark that the Government of the United States is drifting towards an irresponsible one-man power. In other words, towards a despotism. On which the Indianapolis Journal, with sententious shallowness, observes: “We are inclined to think one man would find it inconvenient, if not impossible, to hold … [Read more…]

Joaquin Captured !

Joaquin Captured ! The Alta of the 30th July publishes a dispatch received from Mariposa county, giving an account of the death of the robber Joaquin. We sincerely hope the report may prove true, and that the country is at length rid of the bloody villain. Here is the dispatch: “It has just been reported … [Read more…]