SYMPATHETIC. — The Stockton Independent relates the following anecdote: On Saturday evening, at the theater, during the performance of the “Drunkard,” while Mr. Courtaine was acting the part of “Edward Middleton,” and while performing that portion of the play which represents him as suffering the torments of delirium tremens and pleading most piteously but in … [Read more…]
Bloomer Style – 1895
A new and picturesque bicycle costume appeared on our streets on Sunday last. Miss Blanchard, accompanied by her brother left Oakland to visit the family of John Mahar, of San Rafael, and took the road at Tamalpias station. From that point to this city they made the trip by wheel, visiting the cemetery and other … [Read more…]
Immense Operations.
Immense Operations.— During this season it has become fashionable for the miners instead of going to spots where the water is, or waiting for it to come, to bring it to rich localities where it is needed. Many heavy operations in turning the beds of streams, have recently been entered into and carried successfully through. … [Read more…]
Forty-Seven Mules – 1851
TRINITY DIGGINS, NEAR THE MOUTH OF WEAVER CREEK, May 2, 1851 A short time since some forty-seven mules belonging to miners on Big Bar were taken from the corral and driven off. On the discovery about the corral of numberless bare feet tracks a considerable excitement ensued, and every body was soon armed and prepared … [Read more…]
Lynch the Reverend
At Fort Madison, Iowa, a Rev. Mr. Hummer has been arrested for an at- tempt to murder his wife, by suffocation, under pretense of driving the devil out of her. She was rescued from his hands by neighbors. A strong desire was shown to lynch the reverend gen- tleman. Marysville Daily Herald,8 May 1851
Southern California.
Daily Alta California, 17 June 1851 Ever since California changed her national allegiance, the southern section of it, especially the Los Angeles Valley, has endured all manner of oppressions from wild Indians and dissolute white men with far less conscience and much greater capacity and taste for evil than the untaught savage. The Mexican rule … [Read more…]
San Francisco Letter.
Russian River Flag, 31 August 1876 San Francisco Letter. Ed. Flag —The annual Fair is in progress, and at present the centre of attraction, attendance being some below the average of former exhibitions. The main features of interest to some are; The magnificent and large church organ, built here ; Father Neri’s electrical displays; a … [Read more…]
Candidate for the Presidency of the United States
Russian River Flag, 31 August 1876 It is a historical fact that Tilden is the first candidate for the Presidency of the United States who has ever appeared in a Court of Justice on a charge of swindling.
Vega Honda Bride … Page and Gravel
Los Angeles Herald, 18 March 1875