Trump doesn’t matter – Bannon’s THE MAN!
Boy, he hit the nail on the head. Let’s face it, Trump is clueless, it is Bannon, Flynn and Kushner who really matter. From Ars Technica Today – reply Jan 31, 2017 11:28 AM Popular dvlax40 wrote: ubercurmudgeon wrote: So… presumably this mean Steve Bannon hasn’t decided yet exactly how to fit the destruction of … [Read more…]
Ballot Fraud
Madera Tribune, 5 November 1920 (This is how you do it! – JS) Probe Is Opened on Ballot Fraud NEW YORK, Nov 5.— All poll clerks, election inspectors and the board of canvassing inspectors in the thirteenth election district of the fourth assembly district, Manhattan, were subpoenaed yesterday by District Attorney Swann to appear at … [Read more…]
Democrats must decide
From the Guardian … Senator Elizabeth Warren’s shift from grilling Ben Carson to voting to approve him for the top job at the Housing and Urban Development agency has puzzled many. Her explanation that she has continued concerns about Carson’s inexperience for the position but was swayed by his promises is feeble at best. Ardent … [Read more…]
NOT FAIR . . .
Coronado Eagle, 17 October 1990 NOT FAIR . . . Speaking of creation, that always quotable local divine, Dr. Tom Warmer told the congregation at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church that life is not always fair. “If life were fair,” declaimed Tom, “I would have been created with the wealth of Donald Trump, the selflessness … [Read more…]
We’ve Got Issues
Corsair, 30 March 2011 We’ve Got Issues By Tim Morse Staff Writer An eye opening explanation for why Donald Trump continuously attempts to expose alleged “shortcomings” of President Barack Obama. Donald Trump, for years a symbol of capitalism gone mad, has recently made some controversial (albeit systematic) comments about President Barack Obama regarding his presidential … [Read more…]
Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement
Hollywood Reporter – 6/17/2015 A casting call was sent out last week “looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement.” Trump’s big presidential announcement Tuesday was made a little bigger with help from paid actors — at $50 a pop. New … [Read more…]
Il Douchebag’s emotional tailspin was predictable
From the Washington Post, Jan 24,2017 I was pondering the President’s mental health last night then came across this today. Seems I’m not alone, others are questioning his “balance” as well. … Imagine how lawmakers perceive him after a performance like that. Do they imagine he is unstable? Dishonest? Well, Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck … [Read more…]
From a sign during the Women’s Marches on Jan. 21, 2017. SUPER – CALLOUS – FASCIST – RACIST – EXTRA – BRAGGA – DOCIOUS
Anti-Some Weaselheaded Fucknugget protesters form human chain across Golden Gate Bridge
Anti-Some Weaselheaded Fucknugget protesters form human chain across Golden Gate Bridge JOHN ROGERS AND JOCELYN GECKER ASSOCIATED PRESS | January 20, 2017, 9:53AM LOS ANGELES — Thousands of protesters formed a human chain across the Golden Gate Bridge on Friday while thousands more marched through a driving rainstorm in Los Angeles as a state that … [Read more…]