Civil Service & Executive privilege

Daily Alta California,  19 February 1886 WAR ON CLEVELAND. Senator Edmunds’ Fires a Gun at the Federal Administration. REFUSAL TO SHOW DOCUMENTS. A Formal Arraignment of the Attorney-General and President by the Republican Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. WASHINGTON, February 18th.— In the Senate, to-day, Edmunds, on behalf of the majority of the Judiciary … [Read more…]

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge circa 1851

In the following New York Times article, the malcontents who are “squatting” at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge can be deemed to be the same as outlined in the letter to the editor from the Sacramento Daily Union, 5 August 1851 : First the NYT article: Opposing Factions Take to Facebook in Oregon Wildlife Refuge Dispute … [Read more…]

Immigrant Problems California 1919

In the archive article found at this link:——-en–20–1–txt-txIN——–1  you will read some interesting viewpoints concerning the “Japanese Immigration” problem in California in 1919. As I read more California “history*” from this site, I am continually reminded of our current crop of candidates in the 2016 Presidential race, their proposed platforms on immigration and how, … [Read more…]