How Murdoch’s Empire Influences the World
From the April 4, 2019 New York Times: Part 1: Imperial Reach Part 2: Internal Divisions Part 3: The New Fox Weapon
Things that happen
From the April 4, 2019 New York Times: Part 1: Imperial Reach Part 2: Internal Divisions Part 3: The New Fox Weapon
Love them or hate them, Paint By Numbers were a big hit in the 1950’s – this Washington Post obituary highlights the fad and man who created it, Don Robbins. One woman recalled the enjoyment the kits brought to her mother and other relatives as they struggled with illness. “Today, as I cruise the aisles of … [Read more…]
From the Guardian 03/18/2019 – Fireball over Kamchatka peninsula in December went largely unnoticed at the time A meteor explosion over the Bering Sea late last year unleashed 10 times as much energy as the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, scientists have revealed. The fireball tore across the sky off Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula on 18 … [Read more…]
Back in the early 1990’s there was an internet provider called CompuServe. At Autodesk, we had a forum on CompuServe and provided this disk to our interested users and partners so they could participate in the forum: I was a sysop for the Autodesk forum at that time, but it was so long ago I … [Read more…]
Sometime in the early 2000’s, I took a trip to Paris from Neuchatel Switzerland, where we lived. Getting to Paris was easy as the TGV ran between Zurich or Bern through Neuchatel to Paris. You could literally have breakfast in Neuchatel and four hours later, have lunch in Paris. The hotel I stayed at was … [Read more…]
U.S. sues Lockheed Martin over alleged kickback scheme at nuclear cleanup site – From the Washington Post, 02/10/19. Oh, what fun we have at Hanford!
After the State of the Union address by Trump, this popped up in a search for something not related to the President, but it seemed so right and timely that I had to make note for later reference. Definition The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, … [Read more…]
August, 2010 © John Sergneri 2010, 2019 – If copied, do not alter and give attribution.
A good interview in the Guardian: We’ve dug ourselves a really deep hole’ – David Neiwert on the rise of the far right – it holds up well: “The current conservative movement has decided it no longer wishes to be part of a liberal democracy.” The principal reason, he thinks, is greed. “By the time … [Read more…]
An interesting graphic from PEW RESEARCH published January 18, 2019 on Trump’s third year approval rating. What is interesting is seeing other Presidents ranked in time along with Trump. As is normal with Pew Research, the accompanying article has an excellent summary of their methods and interpretation of the results.