Belgian city puts brakes on deafening drivers by enforcing noise limits
Ghent authorities threaten to impound noisy vehicles, as residents protest about engines and exhausts
Ghent authorities threaten to impound noisy vehicles, as residents protest about engines and exhausts
In today’s Guardian, an article about the recent spate of encounters between small sail boats and Orca’s off the coast of Spain.
Over on is this interesting recap of the impact of Starfish Prime, a 1962 low orbit nuclear test.
In the Guardian, Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction, A controversial MIT study from 1972 forecast the collapse of civilization – and Gaya Herrington is here to deliver the bad news
A comment from ARS TECHNICA which I really like: they’ll even claim a draft-dodging, formally-liberal, Aderrall-addicted, twice-divorced, serial-bankruptor, daughter-curious, porn-star-buying, real-estate huckster, C-list scripted ‘reality’ show host, scam university running failed vitamin salesman is the best President they’ve ever had the chance to vote for – and they’ll try to murder members of Congress to … [Read more…]
In a Washington Post obituary, accomplishments and life of Dr. Paul Auerbach, pioneer of wilderness and disaster medicine, are detailed. Even with his extensive training in medical emergencies, Dr. Auerbach was unprepared for the devastation he encountered when he volunteered to travel to Haiti to care for victims of the earthquake that struck the Caribbean … [Read more…]
The Democrat blocking progressive change is beholden to big oil. Surprised? The Guardian – Alex Kotch 20-JUL-2021 Joe Manchin owns millions of dollars in coal stock, founded an energy firm and Exxon lobbyists brag about their access to him. Republicans fund raise on his behalf is a service that helps anyone who needs to cite to the web create links to their references that will never break. prevents link rot. What is When a user creates a link, archives the referenced content and generates a link to an archived record of the page. Regardless of … [Read more…]
A nice obituary, by Alexis Petridis on the Guardian for Jon Hassell, a musician who blew me away in 1980 with sounds I couldn’t categorize. I still can’t. as Eno put it, “one overriding principle in Jon’s work [was] that of respect – he looks at the world with all its momentary and evanescent moods … [Read more…]
She Exposed the Truth About ‘Dirty Money’: It’s Everywhere By Mark Schoofs Mr. Schoofs is the editor in chief of BuzzFeed News and a visiting professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California. Last Thursday, President Biden vowed to make global financial systems more transparent so that individuals … [Read more…]