• sergneri

      Thanks for bringing the comment full circle 8-)).

      Yes, now we’re finding that marine biologists suspect the whale population in their massive numbers before the 1800’s, ate enough krill and pooped enough to actually enrich the oceans, enhancing the carbon cycle.


      “A new study finds that baleen whales, including blue and humpback whales, eat on average three times as much krill and other food as previously thought, and more food in means more poop out. Paradoxically, the collapse of the krill may stem from fewer whales excreting iron-rich, digested krill, denying these ecosystems some crucial nutrients they need to thrive. Phytoplankton blooms, which sustain krill and many other parts of the food web, rely on that iron. Restoring whale populations to pre-whaling levels could help bolster these ecosystems and even store more carbon in the ocean, researchers report in the Nov. 4 Nature.”

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