• sergneri

      I was introduced to Pynchon’s work with “V” in 1970 borrowed from the library at the US Naval Hospital, San Diego. Since that, I’ve read almost everything he’s written.
      Gravity’s Rainbow is large and requires some devotion but I’ve read it at least twice and simply pick it up on occasion, open it randomly and start in again.

      • Emily

        I do that too with some of my favorite novels: read them again and again, and even open up a random page just for a bite-sized “snack.”

        Pynchon is one of many canonical writers that I want to read more of. It’s deliciously tantalizing and yet painful to want to read so many things and know I can never get to them all, no matter how hard I try. I stopped taking an interest in new fiction, even literary fiction, some years ago because I feel like there are enough great books from the last 150 years that I would like to read, and I don’t want even more titles to get in the way of that. : )

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