From the University of Iowa Physics department sounds of space, recorded by University of Iowa instruments on a variety of spacecraft over the past 50 years.
Featured Items
Voyager 1 PWS continuation of shock-associated waves
Voyager 1 PWS first interstellar audio recordings
Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Waves or EMFISIS MAG audio samples
Audio clips from the twin Van Allen Probes
Juno Waves audio samples
Starting with Juno crossing Jupiter’s bow shock
Voyager-2: Arrival at Jupiter
The clash of the solar wind with Jupiter’s immense magnetosphere
Cassini Listens to Lightning at Saturn The crackle and pop of lightning deep in the planet’s atmosphere
Cassini Observes Saturn Kilometric Radiation The eerie sounds and bizarre features of Saturn’s radio emissions
Voyager termination shock Plasma wave sounds at the solar wind termination shock
ScienceCasts: The Sounds of Interstellar Space
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