Sacramento Daily Union, October 2, 1851
A young Cincinnati lawyer, Thomas A. Logan, had a narrow escape at Niagara Falls, recently. A young lady, a stranger to him, had ventured too far out on a projecting rock over the rapids above the cataract; she became giddy and screamed for help. Young Logan, who happened to be standing on the bank, flew to her rescue, and succeeded in getting her safely on the shore, but lost his own balance and fell into the boiling surge. The young lady fainted, and the men on the bank were too much paralyzed to offer assistance. Luckily for Logan, the water at the spot where he fell, formed a whirlpool, and carried him round several times. In one of his gyrations be seized a bush that overhung the water, and succeeded in extricating himself from his perilous position. — Had be fallen a foot farther out, beyond the edge of the whirlpool, no human aid could have prevented him from being carried over the frightful cataract. — [Buffalo Ad.
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