1. 5 November 1857

    Further Particulars.

    The recent terrible disaster still contin-
    ued to oppress the public mind all over
    the country, and was a subject of melan-
    choly discussion and comment. We have

    On the 22d of September, the steam-
    ship Alabama arrived at New York from
    Savannah, bringing Messrs. H. H. Childs,
    Jabez Holmes, Samuel W. Look and B.
    H. Ridley, of the wrecked steamship,
    who were taken into Savannah by the
    barque Saxony.
    The schooner El Dorado, Capt. Stone,
    of New York, from Galveston, arrived at
    Boston on the 25th of September. This
    is the schooner, the Captain of which
    promised to lay by the Central America
    at six o’clock of the fatal day on which
    she was wrecked. She did not save a sin-,
    gle soul. It was confidently hoped that
    this schooner, from her near proximity at
    the moment of the catastrophe, had saved
    many lives, and beating hearts were
    awaiting her arrival with an intensity of
    feeling that may be more easily imagined
    than described. The Captain states that
    he lay by her till morning, which state-
    ment is endorsed by the second officer of
    the Central America, and several passen-
    gers on board the Ellen and Marine, who
    state that they distinctly saw the schooner
    on the morning after the steamship sunk.
    All hope that Capt. Herndon, or any oth-
    ers, may have been saved, is therefore at
    an end.
    Three more of the unhappy sufferers of
    the steamer Central America have been
    most fortunately rescued.

    After enduring most terrible sufferings
    on the open seas for nine days—they were
    without food or water—drenched with the
    waves, exhausted from exposure, and re-
    duced to skeletons by starvation, they
    were mercifully snatched from death in
    the darkest hour of despair, and they ar-
    rived at the port of New York on Mon-
    day, October 5, in the Bremen barque
    Laura, from Bremen, the captain of which
    reported that he fell in with, on the 28th
    of September, in lat. 40 50 long. 60 m.,
    at 2 p. m., the British brig Mary, Captain
    Shearer, of Greenock, from Cardenas, for
    Queenstown, and took from her—
    John Tice,second engineer,
    Alexander Grant, fireman, and
    G. W. Dawson, a passenger, (colored)
    whom the Mary had rescued from the
    Central America.
    Mr. Tice was seventy-two hours drift-
    on a plank. On the fourth morning drift-
    ed by a boat, and succeeded in getting
    into her, and on the fifth, picked up Al-
    exander Grant, a fireman, who had been
    five days on part of the hurricane dock,
    Grant having swam to the boat. The two
    then pulled for the hurricane deck, and
    took from it, G. W. Dawson, a passen-
    Messrs. Tice, Dawson and Grant are inju-
    ed, and are covered with boils, having
    been constantly in the water.
    The rescued men state that there were
    originally twelve persons who took refuge
    on the hurricane deck, but one by one sad
    to relate, died from hunger and exhaus-
    tion, except the two men, Grant and Daw-
    son, who were taken into the boat picked
    up by Mr. Tice, on tlie fifth day after the
    steamer sunk. They also state that on
    Monday, the 14th of September, two days
    after the steamer went down, they saw
    a number of passengers clinging to pieces
    of the wreck; and though it may seem
    somewhat strange that the Boston schoon-
    er El Dorado which reports having re-
    mained in the vicinity till after daylight
    the morning following the disaster, should
    not have been able to observe any of the
    sufferers, that may be accounted for by
    the fact—and it is an extraordinary one—-
    that the men picked up by the brig Mary
    had drifted nearly six hundred miles from
    the scene of the wreck before they were res-
    cued !

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