1. Jay A.

    Hi! I, too, had followed the trials and tribulations of the Verna II, but since I resided in Sonoma, you did a better, wonderful job of covering the day-to-day aspects. I was blown away when I saw the boat, literally, was gone under the sand by March 2017.
    Meantime, Roy Underwood seems to have gone “AWOL”… 🙂
    Has the vessel resurfaced in any way since mid-2017? I still see a huge sand-mound when I visit South Salmon Creek beach. Thanks for the pics!

  2. Matthew

    Roy Underwood is my father, and I have not seen nor heard from him in 17 years. The original article of him running the boat around is the first time I had heard of him since he left me and my mother. Seems he is still a drunk, but at least now he’s running boats around instead of [edited by sergneri].

    • sergneri

      I can’t state that Roy Underwood is still a drunk, this grounding occurred in 2016, enough time has passed to change anyone’s life, I’ve seen it and know it can happen.

      • Suzanne Underwood

        Hello, this is Suzanne, and do you know Roy Underwood? Roy’s my brother, and we haven’t heard from him since this has happened. If you know him, or know where he’s located, please send me a Text at xxxxx, or call our family at xxxxx.
        Any help would be greatly appreciated.
        Sincerely Suzanne Underwood. (edits by sergneri)

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