An email I sent out tonight:
Tax day, April 15th, will soon be upon us. Ten years ago many of you helped me launch the VOTE1040.ORG website by participating and telling people about it.
Just to refresh your memory, VOTE1040.ORG is a simulation, you select your ZIP code, your estimated TAX BRACKET, and then allocate, by percentages, how that money should be spread across the federal budget. Consider that we have $1,109,125,000,000 in the 2016 federal budget to play with! $521,700,000,000 or 48% is allocated for Defense alone.
I have brought the site back to life and ask you all to take a moment and have another go at voting with your tax dollars. When done, I’d ask that you forward this email to someone else in your circle of friends and relatives and ask them to vote too.
If you have any questions, please let me know! Check WHY VOTE for my idea behind this site. As usual, there is no advertising, no gimmicks and I gather no personal data on visitors. The site is here:
Thanks very much and have fun!