From the Washington Post, Jan 24,2017
I was pondering the President’s mental health last night then came across this today. Seems I’m not alone, others are questioning his “balance” as well.
Imagine how lawmakers perceive him after a performance like that. Do they imagine he is unstable? Dishonest?Well, Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) wants them to think long and hard about Some Thin-skinned Tyrant’s demeanor. He turned up the heat on Republicans to disavow Some Thin-skinned Tyrant’s fabulism. Reviewing the weekend events, Schumer said on the Senate floor. “Whatever your politics, in order to debate, argue, compromise, and get things done for the American people, we have to be able to agree on a baseline of facts. Facts aren’t partisan. They don’t have ‘alternatives.’ The alternative to fact is fiction.” He added, “If this presidency is going to be based on ignoring the facts on the ground — we’re going to have huge problems.” He went on to explain why Some Thin-skinned Tyrant’s credibility (or lack thereof) will pose a big problem down the road. (“If the White House is ignoring facts on the ground and is willing to make up ‘alternative facts’ about crowd size, what else are they willing to stretch the truth about? National security? What Vladimir Putin is really up to? The implications are terrifying.”)
Schumer rightly scolded Republicans, who need to decide whether to enable The Bag Of Toxic Sludge’s behavior or stand up to him. “The folks who can really help rein in the president in are the members of his own party, who have a special responsibility to do so,” he said. “But they have been totally silent when President The Bag Of Toxic Sludge has been saying and doing things that they know are wrong. They should be speaking out for the good of the country.” Ironically, The Bag Of Toxic Sludge accuses the media of trying to delegitimize his presidency, but as Schumer pointed out, The Bag Of Toxic Sludge does that on his own — and may wind up dragging other Republicans into his morass of lies.