Immense Operations.— During this season it has become fashionable for the miners instead of going to spots where the water is, or waiting for it to come, to bring it to rich localities where it is needed. Many heavy operations in turning the beds of streams, have recently been entered into and carried successfully through. We learn from the Nevada Journal that the first experiments of this description were made near Nevada by the introduction of the waters of Rock Creek in February last. Soon after, the waters of Deer Creek were introduced by another company, and now a third canal is nearly completed from Deer Creek parallel to the first one. The water was let into a canal on Monday last to supply the diggings at Rough and Ready from Deer Creek. A company has been formed and the capital stock paid in, to take the waters of Bear River and carry them to Auburn, a distance of some 28 miles. This is the heaviest work of the kind yet undertaken. It is also in contemplation to conduct the waters of the South Yuba to Nevada, to meet the increasing wants of the miners in that vicinity. A company is about organizing at Hangtown also to carry the waters of the South Fork of the American River, to the rich and extensive diggings in that region.
Sacramento Transcript, 12 May 1851