1. In the LA Times of 30 Jul, 2016, there is an article about a visit to the Sand Creek Massacre site. The texts from this article are quite sobering. I decided to look it up in the old California newspapers I’m so fond of quoting in this blog. I knew the papers of the time would have a different take on the massacre, and as you can see above, they consider it a glorious campaign. While no expert, I call it a massacre and agree with the author of the LA Times article, Thomas Curwen.
    Sand Creek Massacre – L. A. Times, July 30, 2016

  2. This was printed just after the above which indicates that the reaction to the massacre was faster than I originally thought.
    I’m not sure of the outcome and if I find more about Chivington, I’ll add it in here.

    Marysville Daily Appeal, 13 January 1865
    The Indian War In Colorado Territory
    NEW YORK, January 11th.—The Herald’s special says orders
    have been telegraphed to Denver for the arrest of Col.
    Chivington for the slaughter of the Indians near Fort Lyons.
    Orders have also been sent to seize all the property prisonors
    have taken from the Indians, together with the remnant who
    escaped the slaughter, and have them taken care of at the
    expense of the Government, until a disposition can be made of them.

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