California Star, 30 January 1847
An Ordinance.
Whereas the local name of Yerba Buena as applied to
the settlement or town of San Francisco—is unknown
beyond the immediate district; and has been applied from
the local name of the Cove on which the town is built.—
Therefore, to prevent confusion and mistakes in public
documents, and that the town may have the advantage
of the name given on the published maps.
It is hereby ordered that the name of San Francisco,
shall hereafter be used in all official communications, and
public documents, or records appertaining to the town.
Chief Magistrate.
Published by order
J.G.T.DUNLEAVY, Municipal Clerk.
Condiderando que el nombre de “Yerba Buena” con
aplicado al Pueblo de San Francisco es desecoaocido afo-
era del distrite inmediate; y estala aplicado del nombre
de la playa en que el pueblo esta situado.
Por este, a prevenir equivocos en los docutnmentos publi-
cos, y que el publico gozare la venlaja del nombre public-
cado ya en los planos y mapas; Juzgo neccesario a deere-
tar, que en adelante el nombre de San Francisco, meta
escrito en todos communicaciones, documentos, y regis-.
tros publicos; que pertenecen al pueblo de San Fran-
Alcalde lo Prop’n.
Publicado por orden,
J. G. T. DUNLEAVY, Sect’o Municipal.
Whereas the parctice [sic.] of firing guns and pistols in the
town of San Francisco and vicinity, already prohibited in
the general order of the late Com’dt of the district, is
not observed and in consequence persons have been in-
juried and others endangered, while pursuing their neces-
sary occupations.—
It is therefore ordered that from and after the publica-
tion of this ordinance, any person or persons who shall
discharge any fire arms within one mile of the Public
square, shall be found on conviction therefore, the sum of
twenty dollars for each and every offence—one half of
which shall be paid to the person proving the same.
As the police of the town is under the supervision of the
Com’dt of the Garrison, any person wishing to discharge
their arms, will apply to him for permission so to do.
Chief Magistrate.