County Police Officials Attend
Confessions of an ex-Communist
who “organized” for the party in
Madera and Merced counties during
the 1930’s were included in a
seminar on Communism, its history
and its methods which was
attended by six Madera County officials
during the weekend.
The “training course,” conducted
by personnel of the State Senate
Interim Fact-Finding Committee
on Un-American Activities
and others active in campaigns
against Communism, was given at
the Presidio in San Francisco, according
to Walter Chandler, Madera
County district attorney elect.
Those attending from Madera
County were Chandler, Police
Chief Walter Thomas, Under-sheriff
Marlin Young, Inspector Don Har-
rington, Chowchilla Police Chief J.
F. Rhine and Chowchilla City
Clerk Gilbert Zwinge.
The ex-Communist, Norman
Minnie, told law enforcement officers
and other officials from
throughout Northern California of
his experiences with the party.
Chandler said. He stated that he
had been assigned to Madera and
Merced counties between 1932 and
1934 and had helped in organizing
campaigns and demonstrations in
this area.
Other speakers were Hugh
Burns, chairman of the State Senate
committee; Dick Combs, attorney
for the committee: and
Stewart Ward. secretary of the
Commonwealth Club of San Fran-
cisco. General George Fisher, re-
tired, of San Diego, also an active
worker in California anti-Communist
campaigns presided.
“They also discussed methods
by which private citizens can fight
Communism.” Chandler said, “and
it all boiled down to this: if you
see or suspect anything, notify the
Federal Bureau of Investigation—-
Madera Tribune, 5 December 1950