![The Wasp, v. 15, July - Dec. 1885 [cover] "The Chinese : Many Handed But Soulless" The Bancroft Library](https://www.sergneri.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/antichinese_r2_c4.jpg)
The Wasp, v. 15, July – Dec. 1885 [cover]
“The Chinese : Many Handed But Soulless”
The Bancroft Library
The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 (external)
Los Angeles Herald, 20 March 1886
The following Restaurants, Laundries, and
Hotels do not employ Chinese:
<followed by a list of establishments.>
Daily Alta California, 18 February 1886
The Capture of Detectives Cox and Glennon Yesterday.
Detectives Glennon and Cox recovered another white baby from Chinatown yesterday, and turned ft over to Nathaniel Hunter, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The find was made on the top floor of the lodging house at No. 639 Jackson street, and proved to be a beautiful little blonde of the female sex, with strongly marked German features. The toddler’s nationality was partially disguised by a large hood or loose skull cap, that completely concealed its flaxen hair, and from the back of the hood protruded a dummy pigtail of braided black hair and silk, so cunningly fastened on as to appear natural enough to deceive a casual observer. Cox and Glennon were searching for a highbinder at the time, and had their attention attracted to the child by its endeavors to break a bit of bed cord about eight feet long, by which it was tethered to a piece of furniture just inside the foster mother’s open door. While watching the tumblings of the baby the officers noticed its big blue eyes and clear white complexion, and started to make a closer inspection, when the woman in charge rushed the little one into the room and attempted to close the door. Cox was quick enough to put in a wedge in the shape of his boot, however, and thus saved himself the trouble of breaking down the door. The woman gave her name as Ah Cum, and stated that the child’s name was Ah Chin. She was a widow, and the child had been in her care ever since it was a week old, at which age it was given to her husband by a white woman. She cried as though her heart would break when the baby was taken away from her, and inside of ten minutes as many Chinamen were down at the old City Hall trying to recover the appropriated baby. They all swore that the baby’s mother was a Chinese woman and that the father was a white man whom they did not know. The mother had gone home to China on a visit, leaving the baby with Ah Cum. As the two stories did not agree, and the veriest tyro in the study of the physiognomy of races would be able to swear that there was not a drop of Mongolian blood in the child’s veins, the officers refused to relinquish their capture, and the Chinese will probably try a writ of habeas corpus.
They Assemble in Mass Meeting to Discuss the Chinese Question.
The White Cooks’ and Waiters’ Union held a mass meeting last night at Metropolitan Hall which was in every way a success. All the seats in the body of the hall were occupied and the gallery was fairly filled. The audience numbered between 1,100 and 1,200, and was as enthusiastic a one as Metropolitan Hall has contained for many months. Stephen A. Born was elected Chairman and M. H. Shepard and John T. Kavanaeh were chosen Secretaries. The stage was well filled with Vice-Presidents, all being representatives of labor organizations. The reading Secretary, Mr. Kavanaeh , read a series of resolutions which were unanimously adopted, and were substantially as follows : Recommending all opposed to Chinese labor to be honest in their professions of opposition to Coolieism in all its forms, and not to purchase or have any dealings with the Chinese or those who patronize them ; to urge all respectable citizens to discharge their Chinese employees, and to call upon interior hotel men and others ” to follow in our path,” and to earnestly request the women of this city and State to assist the various labor organizations in their opposition to the Chinese. Sixty men came forward and signed the Union, and they were heartily applauded. Stirring speeches were made by the following : E. G. Anderson, John Finnerty, ex-President of the White Cooks’ and Waiters’ Union; Frank Honey, President of the Federated Trades’ Union; W. C. Owen, James H. Barry, editor of the Star; Patrick McGreal, of the Stone Cutters’ Union; P. Ross Martin, of the International Workingmen’s Association, and L. M. Ahrens, of the International Cigarmakers’ Union. The speeches were all strongly anti-Chinese, favoring boycotting, and all the speakers vigorously urged a thorough organization of the labor associations. The speeches were, as a rule, short but pointed, and were all received with enthusiasm. A resolution was adopted, endorsing the anti-Chinese bill of Senator Mitchell of Oregon, and calling upon the California Congressmen to support it. A communication was read from Burnett G. Haskell, organizer of the Knights of Labor, from Portland, Oregon, in which he stated that the authorities of that city were endeavoring to precipitate a riot there, with the intention of having that city put under martial law, and that there had been talk of lynching him.
Daily Alta California, 19 February 1886
The boycott is driving the Chinese from towns to cities, but when the application of it comes to be made to the country, in the midst of the fruitage and harvest season, there will be not only great hardship, but in many cases possible total loss of crops. This is the plaint of the intelligent cultivators, and it is made with such candor, and so earnestly, that it must command respect, and is not to be dismissed with a word. These industrians protest, in short, against Chinese expulsion any faster than there is made substitution for their labor.
Progress of the Anti-Chinese Crusade — Run Out of Nicolaus.
San Jose, February 18th. — At a meeting of the Anti-Coolie League to-night it was decided to notify the State Central Committee to boycott the San Jose Fruit Packing Company because that corporation had employed Chinese tinners.
Santa Cruz, February 18th.— All the Chinese employed at J. P. Pierce’ a sawmill have been discharged. W. H. Dougherty, who owns one of the largest sawmills in the State, says he will discharge all of the Chinese in his employ in two weeks, as his contract with them will expire then, and he will hire white men in their places, even if he has to pay them twice the wages he paid the Chinese.
Marysville, February 18th.— On February 6th the Anti-Chinese Club at Nicolaus, Sutter county, notified the Chinese of the locality, including the employees on five hop ranches, that they must leave within ten days. No action was taken until this morning at 3 o’clock. Masked men visited several ranches and escorted forty-six Chinamen to the barge of the steamer Knight, lying at the wharf loading wheat. Captain Hunter of the Knight telegraphed to headquarters of the steamer company here and was instructed to put the Chinese off at Nicolaus if possible, and if not, at the next landing below. The steamer sailed at noon with the Chinamen aboard, the captain deeming it advisable to leave them there. One of the China bosses came to the county seat to get official protection, and Under Sheriff Hewitt was sent to the scene with instructions to give all the protection possible.
Sacramento, February 18th. — The Chinamen sent down the river last night by the mob from Nicolaus arrived on the steamer D. E. Knight, No. 2, this afternoon. There were forty-four, and upon arrival they proceeded with their baggage to Chinatown. Seven Mongolians are left at Nicolaus who are business men and were given fifteen days to leave.
Manufacturers of
514 and 516 Washington street.
Employ White Labor Exclusively.
A meeting was held at Sierraville Wednesday
night, and it was declared that the Chinese must
go. The pledge of non-employment is being cir-
Shasta has but seven Chinese. The Courier says
of them : They live in houses owned by them in
the outskirts of town ; have paid taxes for years,
and do not come in competition with whites in
any respect. The boss of these seven Chinamen,
Sing, says that they want no Redding, or any more
pigtails to come this way, and that in case they
do the bastinado will be applied. Call out the
militia !
(Bastinado: punish or torture (someone) by caning the soles of the feet.)
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