1. John Sergneri

    Re: Time-lapse

    Post by sergneri ยป Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:43 pm
    I have been experimenting with some other software to read and render the still frames, but the rest of the setup remains the same.
    First, I tried to use Virtual Dub AVI software with a bob doubler as well as a resize filter. This was much faster than QTIME PRO and produced as good a movie, but it was in AVI so a bit larger. However, I was looking for something that would smooth out the slow frame rate caused by shooting 1 frame per minute with the Sony.
    I have been using Sony Vegas Studio for a number of years and so decided to try to use it to pull in the stills and render them out to AVI. I didn’t have much luck with version 8 and upgraded to version 10 HD. This seems to have done the trick. The files from 10DEC2010 on my weather page will demonstrate the difference. I do get slightly larger SWF files but it seems worth it and has not impacted the playback speed too much.

  2. sergneri

    Things progress – soon after I wrote the first comment, I started updating all the swf files to mp4 as swf was going the way of the dodo on the internet. I’ve rebuilt that page a few times to keep it current and correct any flaws.
    Nov 27, 2022

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